Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had a jam packed fun couple of days during halloween. I was not afraid of anything, mommy and daddy kept telling me what a “good big girl” I was. I had lots of fun dressing up in my Jessie (Toy Story) costume and having my baby sister Paige dressed as my horse named Bullseye.

Our halloween celebrations started off on Thursday at my school where we had a party and mommy, daddy and Paige came to celebrate. We played games, got buckets full of candy and treat bags with toys and candy from our teachers, it was great.

CIMG2102Here I am in my classroom with some of my friends eating our lunch!


This is Riley, he is the oldest one in our class, he will be three at the end of November. Riley and I are the leaders and we like to help the teachers with the younger kids, they tell us we are great “big helpers”!CIMG2113

If Daddy looks a little tired in this picture it’s because he had to work all night the night before and was functioning on only 2 hrs of sleep and I am very happy he made it to my party, thanks Dad!!!


That night we got to get all dressed up and head off to the hospital for their trunk or treat in the parking lot. We first went up to the Peds floor and said Hi to all the nurses and other doctors that daddy works with and then we got to go and trick or treat for candy. There were lots of people telling Paige and I how cute we looked, we were a big hit!!!

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Here I am waiting in line at the hospital for our turn to get some candy…

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Here is a picture we took with Buzz lightyear, he is Dr. Bala’s son, she works with Daddy!


On Friday night when Daddy got home from work we got bundled up and went outside to carve our pumpkin. It was starting to get chilly at night but it is still beautiful during the day, I love it! Since I am getting so big, Daddy actually let me help him carve with a non-sharp tool and scoop out the seeds. Then Mommy and I cleaned off the seeds and cooked them in the oven, they were delicious.





Here is the finished product, isn’t it cute!


Then Saturday was the big day, yes Saturday the 30th, not the 31st. Down here in the South they don’t trick or treat on the Sabbath, or at least that is what we think, nobody could really give us a good reason about why we weren’t doing it on Sunday! It was a gorgeous night, we got together with all of our neighborhood friends and we had tons of fun. I loved running from door to door saying “Trick or Treat” and “Thank you”, it was fantastic, I can’t wait for next year.


Daddy dressed up as Frankenstein and it didn’t scare me one bit! My friends Ava and Sophia looked so cute, they were dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Suess. Poor things they were afraid of lots of stuff that night!

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DSC_0209 Ella and Fisher’s daddy tried to scare all of us with his Gorilla costume, but it only scared Ava and Sophia. Look at Ella in this picture, she was trying to beat him up.

DSC_0219 The next couple of pics are quite redneck, you can’t get much more redneck than a man in a Gorilla costume frying a turkey with a 3 year old watching and a man with a beer walking with a baby while trick or treating!!!!

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Here are a few pics of me when I was trick or treating, I went up to the doors all by myself with just my friends. Everytime I got a candy I would go running to mommy and tell her how happy I was…she would just laugh!





We also got to bob for apples after we were done trick or treating. Kara hung the apples from the tree and we were suppose to close our eyes and put our hands behind our back. I had a hard time keeping my hands back but I did it!



The next day on actual Halloween we went to a Halloween/Birthday party for my friend Ellie, she turned 3. We don’t have any pics from the party, I think Mommy was pictured out!!!

The last thing I wanted to post for everyone to see is a video that Daddy took of my last night after dinner. I learned the Pledge of Allegiance at school and I recited it during dinner. I get hooked up on a few words but with some help I can say the whole thing, not bad for a Canadian Girl!!!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Love y’all,

Emmie and Paige

1 comment:

  1. Wow, our Emmie is a very smart girl!

    Both Paige & Emmie looked very cute in their Hallowe'en costumes. Glad to hear that they had so much fun!
