Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Time = Busy time!!!

We have been super busy lately with lots of Christmas parties…I love this time of year! The count down is on for Christmas, only 8 more days, can’t wait.

Last weekend we got to attend a “Wake Up with Santa Party” at Daddy’s work, it was the best Christmas party, we actually got to wear our pyjamas! Santa gave me a big hug and a present. We also got to play tons of games and write a letter to Santa just in case he forgets what I told him I would like for Christmas!!!


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I ran over to Santa when he came in and he gave me a super big hug…Paige was a little shy and wasn’t too sure about Santa!

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I was a really good girl and sat on Santa’s knee but unfortunately Paige didn’t want to get too close to him, not sure why, he is very nice!

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Here are some pics of all the fun things we got to do; play floor hockey, face painting and letter writing, it was so much fun!

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Mommy and Daddy have also been busy going to Adult only Christmas parties, but for some reason they don’t have many pics of themselves, I guess I have to start taking their pictures!!! Here are some pics from Mommy’s work party, sounds like it was lots of fun, Mommy hired someone to teach them all to line dance….

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We also got to go to a Christmas party at one of the Dr’s houses that Daddy works with, there were tons of people and lots of kids, we had a great time. Paige and I got all dressed up for it!

CIMG4783 Of course it wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t go to a Christmas parade. One night we got together with Uncle Brodie and Auntie Carrie and Sophie to see a Christmas parade of lights, it was really nice!


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Just a few days ago it was my Christmas Dance recital, my very first one, everyone said I did a great job! Gigi came all the way from Toronto to see my 15 min recital…thanks Gigi, it was great to have you here to cheer me on!

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Here I am with my two dance teachers, they are really nice!


Check out the video Daddy took of all the kids in my class doing a dance together!

Well that is all for now…a few more days and we will be on our way to Toronto to see a bunch of friends and family, we can’t wait!

P.S. Our christmas cards are delayed, Mommy ordered them on Nov. 28th and they still aren’t here, we are starting to think they got lost in the mail…everyone might be getting them in the new year!!!

Love y’all,

Emmie and Paige

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog Emmie... I loved looking at all your pictures of you and your Sister and Mom and Dad! You are a great dancer, and I really liked your Dance Video! Merry Christmas to you all!

    Pop Pop
